Granada 9-10 December 2021

The brain is a complex organ and enables thoughts, memory, movement, and emotions by a complex function that is the highest product of biological evolution. Brain health may be understood as the preservation of optimal brain integrity and mental and cognitive function at a given age in the absence of overt brain diseases that affect normal brain function. Maintaining a healthy brain during one’s life is the uppermost goal in pursuing health and longevity.
Exercise has been shown to benefit to brain health, particularly in late life. However, there is still some debate about the influence of exercise on brain health throughout the lifespan and in conditions that are not immediately characterized as neurologic or psychiatric. Thus, this Congress, as part of the IAD 2021 annual training program, will provide international experiences on understanding the effects of exercise and associated predictors on brain health across age groups and health conditions. We will gather researchers from all around the world who will present advances in areas.
The PROFITH Research Group welcome all people interested in the topic to join us in Granada (Spain), on December 9th-10th, 2021. All attendees will have the chance to send their abstracts and present their studies as oral communications or posters during the congress.



Honor Committee
BSc. María de Nova Pozuelo. Managing Director of Sport Promotion, Health Behavior and Sport. Department of Education and Sport. Junta of Andalusia, Spain.
MSc. Leticia López Sanrromán.Director of the Andalusian Sport Institute (IAD), Málaga, Spain. Department of Education and Sport. Junta of Andalusia, Spain
Dra. Pilar Aranda Ramírez. Rector of University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Enrique Herrera Viedma. Vice-Rector for Research, University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Pedro Ignacio Lizaur Girón. Dean of Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Spain
Dra. Raquel Escobar Molina, Director of Department of Physical Education and Sport, Spain
Dra. María Ruz Cámara, Director of Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC), University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dr. Víctor Soto Hermoso, Director of Research Institute of Sport and Health (iMUDS), University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dra. Blanca Gutierrez Martínez, Director of Federico Olóriz Neuroscience Intitute, Spain
Scientific Committee
Dra. Irene Esteban-Cornejo. University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Patricio Solis-Urra. University of Granada, Spain
Members of the Scientific Committee
Dra. Mireia Adelantado-Renau, University Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain
Dra. Verónica Cabanas- Sánchez, MDEA Food Institute, CEI UAM+CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Dr. David Cárdenas Velez. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dr. Andrés Catena Martínez. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dra. Oren Contreras-Rodríguez. Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI), Girona, Spain.
Dr. Kirk I. Erickson. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Dra. Cristina Martín-Pérez. International University of La Rioja, Logroño, Spain
Dr. José Rafael Mora González. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dr. Adrià Muntaner Mas, University of Balearic Islands, Balearic Islands, Spain
Dr. Francisco B. Ortega Porcel. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dra. María Rodríguez-Ayllón. Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Dra. Chelsea Stillman. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Dr. Ángel Toval Sánchez. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dr. Antonio Verdejo-García. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Juan Verdejo-Romaán. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Organizing Committee
Dra. Irene Esteban-Cornejo. University of Granada, Granada Spain
Dr. José Rafael Mora González. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Members of the Organizing Committee
Dra. Mireia Adelantado-Renau, University Jaume I, Castellon de la Plana, Spain
Dra. Verónica Cabanas- Sánchez, MDEA Food Institute, CEI UAM+CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Dr. David Cárdenas Velez. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dr. Andrés Catena Martínez. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dra. Oren Contreras-Rodríguez. Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI), Girona, Spain.
Dr. Kirk I. Erickson. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Dra. Cristina Martín-Pérez. International University of La Rioja, Logroño, Spain
Dr. Adrià Muntaner Mas, University of Balearic Islands, Balearic Islands, Spain
Dr. Francisco B. Ortega Porcel. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dra. María Rodríguez-Ayllón. Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Dr. Patricio Solis-Urra. University of Granada, Spain
Dra. Chelsea Stillman. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Dr. Angel Toval Sánchez. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Dr. Antonio Verdejo-García. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Juan Verdejo-Román. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
MSc. Dario Bellón Fernández. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
MSc. Andrea Coca Pulido. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
MSc. Beatriz Fernández Gamez. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
MSc. Marcos Olvera. University of Granada, Granada, Spain
MSc. Alessandro Sclafani, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Confirmed Speakers

Thursday, 9th December 2021
Friday 10th December 2021
Call for Abstracts
The organizing committee invites authors to submit abstracts for on-site presentation within any of the topic listed below. Submissions are sought for oral and poster presentations. The scientific committee will select the high relevance abstracts to present as Oral Communication. Additional details are outlined below:
All abstract must be written in English
All accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings Book
An author may submit a maximum of ONE abstract as first author.
The presenting author must be registered in the Congress.
Abstracts should be up to 300 words, written in English and upload in the platform
The International Congress will highlight concentrated effort at a national and international level in several key areas related to brain health. The term “Brain Health” can be broadly conceptualized as the optimal or maximal functioning of behavioral and biological measures of the brain and the subjective experiences arising from brain function (e.g., mood). This includes measurements of biological markers of the brain (e.g., structural brain morphology) or the subjective manifestations of brain function, including mood and anxiety, perceptions of quality of life, academic performance, cognitive function (e.g., attention and memory), and sleep.
Lifestyle behaviors, health-related indicators and brain health during infancy, childhood and adolescence.
Lifestyle behaviors, health-related indicators and brain health during adulthood and old age.
Lifestyle behaviors, health-related indicators and brain health in disease conditions.
Mechanisms linking the effects of exercise on brain.
Other topics related with brain health.
Oral Communications
Oral Communications will be 7 mins of on-site presentation and 3 mins of questions.
The presentation must be done in English.
Abstracts will be grouped by topics and each session will have approx. 3 oral communications, a Chair who will provide comments on the field of research covered in the session highlight particular findings and stimulate Q&A.
Posters must be written in English and printed in vertical format using following measures: 55cm wide x 90cm heigh.
Posters should be placed in their correspondent panels at registration time and should remain there until the closing ceremony of the Congress. The correspondent panels will be informed by email to all corresponding authors some days before the Congress.
During the poster walk session the presenting author must be stand up close to the poster to inform about the poster and answer the questions from other researchers.
Key dates
Abstracts submission opening: October, 13rd, 2021
Abstract submission deadline: November 18th, 2021 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)
Communication to authors: November 19th, 2021
Early bird registration deadline: November 22nd, 2021
There will be 2 awards for the best oral and poster presentations:
Oral award: 150 € and AGUEDA bag and t-shirt.
Poster Award: 75 € and AGUEDA bag and t-shirt.
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is closed
To formalize the participation you must fill the mandatory fields in the registration form. Payment could be made by bank transfer or credit card through the registration platform. If bank transfer is chosen, you must state clearly the name and the reference received by email.
Registration fee
The registration fee for all requests received before 22nd November is 100€.
Registrations formalized from 22nd November onward will receive a surcharge of 20€. The registration includes the attendance to all the presentations and communications announced in the program, congress pack, e-Proceedings Book, attendance and participation certificates, coffee breaks, lunchs, walking tour, tapas’s dinner and flamenco show
Important dates
Abstracts submission opening: October, 13rd, 2021
Abstract submission deadline: November 18th, 2021 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)
Communication to authors: November 19th, 2021
Early bird registration deadline: November 22nd, 2021
Registration form
Social activities
Thursday, 9th December 2021
All attendants to the Congress are more than welcome to participate in a cultural walk through Albaycin, one of the most attractive and historical place in Granada, that will take place from 8:00 pm. The meeting point will be posted in the official twitter account of the Congress (@BHE_2021).
After the cultural walk, a tapas dinner will be hold followed by a flamenco show. The place will be posted in the official twitter account of the Congress (@BHE_2021). Both, the tapas dinner and the flamenco show, are included in the Congress fee.
Friday, 10th December 2021
After the closing ceremony, everybody is welcome to have a “closing dinner” from 9:00pm. Confirmation of the restaurant and location will be informed in the official twitter account of the Congress (@BHE_2021). This dinner is NOT included in the Congress fee. Tickets for the closing dinner will be available for purchase online.
For those who cannot leave Granada without tasting a bite of its fun and entertaining nights, we invite you to join us to the after-dinner live dancing and music experience. To note, this is NOT included in the Congress fee.
The Conference will take place at the auditorium of Casa Zayas, located at Santa Paula St 5. 18001 Granada (Granada)
The organization has reached an agreement with Hotel Maciá Fives Senses to provide accommodation for those participants interested. Bookings should be made up to 7 days before the Congress by email ( with the reservation ID 1338805. Room cost:
Double room, singular use (breakfast included): 74,50€
Double room (breakfast included): 84,00€
For those who decide to travel by train, Renfe offers discounts for long-distance journeys. You can download the discount here. More information about how to apply the discounts here
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